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parisschoolofeconomics eu

  1. PSE - Ecole d'économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics

    French research center of international standing in Economics, PSE brings together 140 economists and more than 400 students in Master’s and PhD programmes...

  2. PSE - Ecole d'économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics

    Pôle français de formation et de recherche en économie de renommée mondiale, PSE regroupe près de 140 chercheurs et plus de 400 étudiants...

  3. PSE - Ecole d'économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics

    French research center of international standing in Economics, PSE brings together 140 economists and more than 400 students in Master’s and PhD programmes...

  4. Masters program - Paris School of Economics

    APE - Analysis and Policy in Economics PPD - Public Policy and Development Economics & Psychology EDCBA - Master of Science in Economic Decision and Cost Benefit Analysis (...)

  5. About the Paris School of Economics (PSE) - Paris School of Economics

    Established in 2006 as a Foundation for Scientific Cooperation (Fondation de Coopération Scientifique) by the CNRS, the EHESS, the École des Ponts ParisTech, the École normale supérieure (...)

  6. Teaching - Paris School of Economics

    PSE’s commitment to teaching was one of the missions assigned to it when the RTRA was created. The Master’s programme includes three degrees, a generalist Master’s in Analysis and Policy in (...)

  7. Research - Paris School of Economics

    PSE’s scholarly work is organised around eight thematic research groups, which structure the Joint Research Unit (PjSE), hosted by the Foundation. These thematic groups structure PSE academic (...)


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